Our Online or Hybrid Intensive treatment programs offer 60-110 hours of expert aphasia therapy over 6-8 weeks. Improve your communication skills and meet your personal goals from the comfort of your own home.
60 hours (2 hours daily)Focuses on learning a variety of activities including strategies, numbers, work skills, and technology use. Recommended for mild aphasia or very severe aphasia/apraxia. Requires a consultation.
$2350 per week
110 hoursThe best of both onsite and online therapy spread over 8 weeks. Two weeks at our facility (50 hours) to establish your personal treatment approach, then online therapy at home to continue working on your goals (6 week program).
Average weekly cost $3231
How does it work?

Complete an application online

Schedule an online consultation with Dr. Bartels

Complete paperwork and payment

Start your treatment
What's included?
- Orientation to online therapy
- Software training
- Daily homework
- Home program
- Goal and progress meetings
- Treatment summary with home program
- Care partner education and communication training
- Expert individual aphasia therapy